2011年12月7日 星期三

Actor vs. Character: Profile Brad

Character: Brad
Brad is Janet’s fiancé. He is the typical clean-cut American boy and self-righteous idiot at first; however, he is willingly persuaded by Frank's words and gives in to Frank’s eccentric pleasures. After the spree, he struggles to go back to his normal self but fails. He remains confused and frightened to the end.

Actor: Stanley
Stanley is one of the most versatile people in the English Department. He has come in third in the English composition contest of NCCU in 2008. He is also the current president of the NCCU International Youth and the Vice President of the NCCU International Association. In such a busy schedule, Stanley still manages to fit the graduation play rehearsals on his calendar and strives to portray an all-American boy go bad. Come and see how Brad slowly walks down the path of his own initiation, or is it destruction?
家正是英文系的另一強者,2008年曾獲全校(政大)英文作文比賽第三名,2010又獲選為政大書院語文達人。現在,他是國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫的執行人,且為政治大學國合處國際青年團(IY)團長,以及NCCU International Association(IA)的副會長。履歷如此豐富的他在忙碌的生活中,依然積極參與本屆畢業公演,這次他要詮釋自以為是的布萊德如何從乖乖牌變成浪蕩子,精彩可期,拭目以待。

